HPTuners Tune Delivery Network (TDN)
The HPTuners Tune Delivery Network (TDN) allows for a streamlined interface between the tuner and customer for the total package of tuning support available at your fingertips.
Natively equipped with the ability to do DTC inspection and simple datalogging, the TDN app offers standalone functionality with your RTD Device, but once paired with an HPTuners Authorized Reseller like Ortiz Performance, LLC, the real functionality comes alive.
Whether you have an Android or iOS Device, the TDN app makes it easy to communicate with us to send datalogs and receive tune files without the need for a laptop.
TDN app with Android supports RTD, RTD+, MPVI2, and MPVI2+ devices.
TDN app with iOS supports ONLY RTD+ and MPVI2+ devices.
TDN Instructions - Android
Android Mobile App Download

Android Version Shown. Current Software and Mobile Device Display May vary.